Additional Support
PSY 101 Email Address:
I need help taking notes in class!
How should I approach the textbook?
You can complete textbook readings either before or after the corresponding lecture, and we recommend you try both to see what works better for you. Some students report that doing the reading BEFORE lecture makes lecture easier to understand and follow. Others say that listening to lecture first helps them to get through the textbook reading more easily.
Research in our class suggests that taking detailed notes on the textbook is not associated with doing better on exams, so we encourage you to take notes if you find it helpful, but focus primarily on writing down the main concepts and bolded key terms. Always pay attention to the interactive figures (which try to help you with more complex concepts) and the check-your-understanding questions at the end of each study unit.
When it comes time to study the textbook for exams, we recommend starting with the chapter summaries to remind yourself of what was covered in each chapter. Take some time to look for both overlapping content (do you remember it from studying your lecture notes?) and non-overlapping content. Dig into the non-overlapping content. Make sure to understand bolded terms, the content covered in interactive figures, and check-your-understanding questions at the end of each study unit, as these highlight more important concepts. Content that doesn't fall into one of these categories is fun and interesting to learn, but is unlikely to show up in an exam question.
How should I study for exams?
Check out answers to many Frequently Asked Questions about Exams, including how to study, on our Exams page.
What support resources does Duke offer?
MINT Peer Tutoring (Meaningful Interactive Tutoring) are small groups of 2-5 students in the same course who meet weekly with a Peer Tutor. The peer tutoring groups are a resource focused on allowing students to receive additional support for questions they have on the course content while still being part of a community of fellow learners. Peer tutors communicate with students in advance of the meetings so that they can be responsive to student needs during the group meetings. Some groups meet in person and some meet virtually.
Meeting Details
For more details and to see what other courses we offer services for, please visit our website:
Academic Resource Center:
Career Center:
Thompson Writing Studio (for assistance with writing):
Counseling and Psychological Services:
*For situations that are NOT emergencies but feel more urgent, we recommend walking in rather than calling to make an appointment
Student Disability Management System:
Transfer Credit:
Trinity Academic Policies & Procedures for Undergraduates ("T-Reqs"):
Undergraduate Research Support Office:
Additional Resources
Who do I talk to with more questions?
Talk to/email your Costanzo Teaching Fellow (TF) with questions about missing discussion section, R&W Project, study tips
For questions about the research participation requirement or the system used for it (SONA)
Contact the P&N Human Subjects Coordinator, Robin Dunn (she/her), who runs this process for all classes.
Email:; Office: Reuben-Cooke 243
For all other questions including those about enrollment, section assignment, absences, accommodations, and general concerns
Email to reach Dr. Hard, Dr. Grisham, Margaret, & Christina
They are always available to chat in the 15 minutes before and after class
Dr. Hard and Dr. Grisham oversee all aspects of the course and they enjoy getting to know students better
Always feel free to chat with them before or after class or email them to set up an appointment (in-person or over Zoom) that works with your schedule
Dr. Hard - email:; Office hours: Tuesdays 1:30-2:30 PM
Dr. Grisham – email:; Office hours: Thursdays 10-11 AM